What We Do

Mothers Trust Foundation
 is a 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to providing immediate assistance to disadvantaged children in Lake County, Illinois. We collaborate with social workers and school counselors to identify children who may fall through the cracks of the social service system. We focus on children and their families who have nowhere else to turn, providing tangible necessities that change lives.

Service Areas

Examples of MTF requests for funding include: 

  • Clothing – clothing, new underwear and shoes
  • Safe Baby Items – car seats, pack n play cribs and other essential baby gear
  • Medical – medical needs including eye exams and glasses, mental health counseling and transportation fees to appointments
  • Summer Day Camps
  • Enrichment opportunities like the chance to learn a musical instrument, or participate in an afterschool club
  • Education related expenses like Lake County Technology Campus kit fees, credit recovery courses and graduation expenses
  • Sport activities – school teams and other individual activities
  • Other unique circumstantial needs

How We Do It

Requests for assistance are received daily from service professionals on behalf of their clients.
Each request is evaluated on an individual basis and if approved, funding is distributed within 24 to 48 hours. Requests are reviewed weekly, every Wednesday at 9:30am during the Service Committee Meeting.

Our Wednesday service meetings are open to visitors. Meetings are held in our office in Lake Forest and also may be attended via Zoom.

For more information, call Marly Subido at (847) 482-9189 or email msubido@motherstrustfoundation,org.

Who We Serve:

  • 70% of the families are single parent households
  • 7% are homeless
  • 19% have a child or parent who is disabled
  • Nearly all of the families that are served by MTF live well below the poverty level

See How You Can Help to get involved!